Reliable and Affordable Business Phone Service Starting at $29.99
Tired of managing an outdated telephone system and multiple vendors? Satel VoiSelect business phone service uses the latest VoIP technology to provide for all your business phone service needs with robust features, sleek IP phones, and knowledgeable support. Best of all, you can call anywhere in the USA and Canada for free!
Save Money
Save up to 50% each month when you move from traditional phone service to Satel VoiSelect Digital Voice.
Satel is a member of the local business community and we understand what it takes to do business in your market. Our commitment to providing excellent service to you and your customers means that your business is our business.
Advanced Enterprise-Class features
Integrated communication including voice mail, video mail and faxes delivered to email or voicemail via RSS feed
Call Blast – Powerful combination of traditional Call Forwarding and Find Me /Follow Me
Online end-user control panel to view/download calls, turn features off and on, etc
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Plug-and-play videophone service at no extra charge
ACD capability with support for hunt groups and IVR features
Web-based phone attendant shows the call status of all extensions, plus supports drag-n-drop call transfer and click-to-dial
Free, world-wide extension-to-extension dialing
3-Way Conferencing for all extensions
Call Forwarding combined with Find Me/Follow Me options
Multiple 20-person conference bridges with security
Customized greetings and personalized messages
Satel VoiSelect business phone service is easy to set up and easy to use. There’s no on-site PBX hardware or software required. You just need your existing Business-Class Internet connection and our VoIP business phones.